A Month of Creative Journaling

Stepping into the new year, it felt like the right time to shift gears a bit. Isabella and I always try to stay pretty mindful of the nature in which we create. Our greatest, and really only hesitation starting up the Creative Co. was based around the fear of burnout from mixing business with our artwork. Making a set of coasters is relaxing to me. However, trying to crank out 20 sets in a short period of time for an event can become… slightly less so. And after dipping our toes into the land of pop-ups and physical appearances this fall and winter (although we’ve LOVED meeting so many new people through these spaces), we collectively decided that January would be a month of quiet hibernation and personal creation in order to keep us in the best headspace for whatever comes next.

At the time, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted that to look like. I knew I needed time to reflect, not on anything in particular, just life overall. After a turbulent past 6 months, I’ve been short on time in regards of sitting and processing it all fully. I wanted to journal, but became overwhelmed when thinking about putting words to it all. So for the first time, I found some middle ground and began creative journaling instead. It’s been the perfect mix of self help and creation, so I wanted to share with you some of my favorite pages below.

Kathryn Paige

Founder of Port Creative Company, Kathryn is a skilled writer, illustrator, & maker who almost always has her hands in something. Following a drastic change in health back in 2017, Kathryn began sharing much of her story online in hopes of raising awareness so others could receive earlier diagnoses & adequate medical care. From there, her passion has only continued to grow. Her vision focuses on ways of supporting those establishing a new sense of normalcy in the midst of ongoing disability while creating community.


A Practice in Compassion


The Light of 2022