Feels Like Fall — A Soundtrack

Typically, fall shapes up to be the time of year I naturally see myself sink into creation more than ever. I’m not sure if it’s the upcoming holiday season and the pull to gift friends & family with something a bit more sentimental as opposed to bought, or if the impending end of year has me more focused on my intentions than normal. Needless to say, I’ve been spending an endless amount of time at my desk these last few weeks.

Quite literally, I listen to music nearly every minute of the day. I’ve never been consistently interested in podcasts or audiobooks while I work, at least, not for any longer than a week or two. However, I do have what I’d call a specific knack for rather intensely curated playlists designed for any of life’s given moments. It’s one of my longest standing pastimes to date. Truly, there’s no situation I don’t have a playlist for.

So, from me to you, a little fall soundtrack to accompany you through this season. Whether the weeks are slowly creeping by or flying right past you right now, I hope you’re able to find some time to pause and connect with yourself. It’s easy to get swept away in the many “to-do’s” the upcoming months can bring. I hope you remember to remain gentle.

Image captures two trees shown across the street that're bright orange in peak fall color.
Kathryn Paige

Founder of Port Creative Company, Kathryn is a skilled writer, illustrator, & maker who almost always has her hands in something. Following a drastic change in health back in 2017, Kathryn began sharing much of her story online in hopes of raising awareness so others could receive earlier diagnoses & adequate medical care. From there, her passion has only continued to grow. Her vision focuses on ways of supporting those establishing a new sense of normalcy in the midst of ongoing disability while creating community.


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